Kersel presented to Skill Hire with many barriers and was looking for a fresh start.
Leaving the past behind
Kersel wanted a fresh start in life, so he moved to Pipalyatjara. Skill Hire worked with Kersel and set up a schedule for him to attend Community Development Programme (CDP) activities on a regular basis. To Kersel’s credit, he attended his activities every day, even when he wasn’t feeling well. Kersel soon found comradery with his fellow participants and somewhere to belong to start feeling good again.
Our activity supervisor helped with important ground work
Kersel expressed to our activity supervisor Graham that he wanted to get his life back on track and get a job. Graham worked closely with Kersel and assisted with his ID, bank account and learners licence as well as providing training and hands on experience in power tools, measuring, working from a plan, safe work procedures, fabrication and driving lessons. Graham also enrolled Kersel into TafeSA for education and computer skills as well as providing mentoring, personal development, wellbeing and life skills.
A clearer direction emerges
Kersel is receiving help and support in every area to build dog kennels with the view of starting his own dog kennel business. Now Kersel has a clear direction and has turned his life around for the better. He feels all he ever needed was a little help, drive and someone to believe in him and our staff did that for Kersel.
Constantly learning new skills from our supervisor
In Kersel’s words “Before I came to Skill Hire I had no job and nowhere to go. I made a lot of mates at work. Because I have no family here going to work made me feel like I had family here. Graham is always teaching me new stuff that I never knew before and I’m getting better every day. When I was sad Graham would spend time with me and talk to me in a good way and make me feel better and make me see that I can do better things in my life.”
Pathway coach could help solve problems the right way
Shanice (our pathway coach) has been working with Kersel, working through barriers and helping to sort out problems when they occur. Kersel appreciates that the Skill Hire staff spend time with him and provide advice about the right way to work through issues.
Activity supervisor kept promises others never did
Kersel said “Because I worked so hard Graham said that he would help me start my own business. No one ever kept their promise to me before but Skill Hire has given me everything they’ve promised. I feel proud and strong again. I feel good and my wife feels proud and happy too. Graham is going to teach me how to do 3D designs on the computer so I can design different kennels to build and how to make parts with numbers so we can make lots of parts at the same time and build faster.”
“We have already started another dog house which is nearly finished” said Kersel.